Monday, July 16, 2012

Busy, busy, busy!

I always think that I'm going to have tons of time to do whatever I want during the summer, and I'm pretty much always wrong.  This summer, my sister is getting married and I'm the maid of honor (technically matron, but I think that sounds gross), so that's keeping me pretty busy (in a good way).  Also, my sister-in-law and brother are expecting in September, so I helped with her baby shower a couple of weekends ago.  Because I live about an hour away from the rest of my family, that means lots of driving, not to mention the driving my husband and I do whenever we want to see a movie, eat out anywhere other than Sonic...  You get the picture.  We drive a lot!  All of this has made me a very busy (but happy) off-duty teacher. 

Aside from personal responsibilities, I always find myself busy getting ready for the next school year during the summer.  I plan on revamping how my room is organized and decorated next year, and this has prompted me to create a lot of new posters and decorations for my room.  And let's not even mention Pinterest...  I find so many good ideas on there that I just HAVE to tweak for my classroom!  Like these main idea clue posters that I adapted from another teacher's main idea anchor chart.  They'll be helpful for students, and they'll match my new decor.  Bonus!  Here are some pics, and I've posted them for free in my Teacher's Notebook store!  :)

I know that I feel super busy right now, but ultimately, I'm busy doing the things I want to do, so it's okay.  Because I'll be about 2000 times busier during the school year, I'm trying to put some organizational steps into place for the next year, including creating a teacher notebook.  I've seen many versions of these floating around on the interwebs, and I decided to create my own.  Hopefully it will help me to stay organized next school year and save me some time and frustration in the long run.  Here are some pics.  (This is also posted in my teacher store, but it isn't free). 

I know that being busy now will help me to stay sane later.  What are you doing to help yourself get ready for next school year?  I always feel like I'm forgetting something...  :)

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